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Jesus has captured my heart... I'm a 'there's always a silver lining' kind of girl. I love making people laugh & smile and seeing people reach their dreams.

Sunday 18 January 2009


Some times they suck. Just wanna have fun with them but they just wann have fun with each other - without you. Maybe it's your own fault, maybe your not exciting enough. Or people just get bored of pretending to laugh at your crap-unfunny jokes they usually they laugh at just to humour you.
Down Goes Another One.
You try your hardest at church, at college - at life. But you always seem to fall short, it's never quite enough, never what they want. Or sometimes not even what you want. Maybe they all think you should be like her, after all, she made. Your only here ecause of her. And him. And him too but sometimes it feels like they also wish you weren't here.
Down Goes Another One.

Okay, so I wrote that on Saturday night when I was (feeling) being left out of everything by Stina and Abbie. But I'm good now. Everything just sort of came out, all the bad stuff I had let myself build up inside into this giant firey, ball of mush and crappyness, just sort of un-mushes into words. Those words.
But it's all gravy, still feel left out and want what they have but just want it from someone of my own. Basically I want my Daisy/Becky-pre-year-9-summer-hols back. Or at least what we had but with some one I actually see very often and can just spill and go crazy with. I want it to be like Buffy and Faith - the boy slayers! were in year 5. If you want that explained just comment.

Ily, xx

1 comment:

MissHarwood said...

God has someone perfect for you.
Just wait :)
He'll be totally worth it

Some one once told me "the grass is much greener on the other side" 'til further notice I'm in between. From where I'm standing the grass is green