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Jesus has captured my heart... I'm a 'there's always a silver lining' kind of girl. I love making people laugh & smile and seeing people reach their dreams.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

I'm so glad you're part of my life.

(Written on 16/4/11  - not sure why i never posted it. It is even more true today. I will always treasure our friendship as one of the most important things I have in this lifetime. I love you, my friend, my sister.)

Christina Emily Cave.

We've had our ups and downs for sure but this girl, other than my actual family, has stayed in my life for the longest, even knowing me at my very worst. No matter where we've been studying, lived or whatever else could get in the way, we are still here together. And I love her very much. she is like a sister to me.
I know I could trust her with anything. And last night I did.

Last night I rang her at about mid-night in a state and she was there just to listen and console me as I sobbed and talked incoherently to her. So not only did she talk me round to hear sense but she also offered to meet and just chat with me today. To be honest, she is my rock. I don't know where my life would be without her in it. Christina was there for me in the darkest part of my life, just after I had been abused and didn't want to be alive anymore. Her just being in my life, shining in happiness like a candle in a darkened room, gave me hope that I could get through it. I don't think she realizes how vital to me wanting to carry on living she was...

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Some one once told me "the grass is much greener on the other side" 'til further notice I'm in between. From where I'm standing the grass is green