I don't know what it is that I want to write I just know that I want to post something. Anything. This time last year i was in Bedford and having the time of my life (well it was the best year of my life but it had only just begun really), planning things to do for my birthday with Becca as we share the date and doing a number of other fun things too. This year I am contemplating doing nothing for my birthday as I don't know many people well enough to do something with them. This is the first time this has ever happened. And I don't like it. It feels weird. Not because I'm spoiled or anything but simply because I have always had people do celebrate with; and now that I am home it feels like I pretty much have no one. :(
Don't get me wrong I am glad to be home but I would also like very much to be back in Bedders too. Or maybe it's not the place/church I miss maybe it's the people and the fact there was always someone I could do something with. I definitely think that me best friends are those I made this year; Cheryl Ingledew, Becca Riley, Zoe Heath, Rachel Marshal, Joanna Martin, Ben Leggott, Charlotte Wood, Josh Nobblet and Matt Davies to just name a few. This is probably because I got to know myself at the same time as they did really. And we learnt so much together and individually all at the same time on both TSM and FP Impact. September 2009 - August 2010 will always be one that I will never forget and will cherish the memories and photos/videos for my whole life. And I most certainly thank Jesus I met these and the rest of my new friends. Each and every single person who came into my life this year helped to make it the best year in my entire (almost) 20 years of life. You are all stars and I love you very much!
Actually this post is doing what I hoped it would, cheer me up and make me happy. Even though it started a bit moany at the beginning thinking about all my fellow FPers and TSMers and ever KAers has made me really rather joyful.
Well it is 5 to 5 which means home time in 5 minutes so I better finish this and turn off my PC as it takes forever to do anything on it.
Peace out Lovelies! Xx