So I wa bored and all on my todd in the Church offices and I have no office work to be getting on with (just some reading for TSM) so I decided to find out my BMI. Why that popped into my head as something to do I will never know... But hey, it did. So i found it out online as well as what my weight should be for my height. It's official, I'm obease, Have a BMI of 32.8 and need to lose 5 stone to be the ideal weight for a person of my short old bod of 5 foot. I knew i was overweight, as, I mean, well look at me it's obvious but I didnt reaslise I was obease. I guess it's a gllod job I seem to be losing weight then. Thank you Jesus! I so don't wanna get diabetes, maybe I already have it. I don't know and I sort of don't ever want to have to go to the doctors incase they want to find out. It's way to serious a thing that I just do not want to know! i know that's silly as it is, or can be if not closely watched, a life-threatening thing but at the moment I'd just rather not know.
So yeah that's it for this post. I just wanted somewhere I could write that and not have to worry about it being read...