So in September I’m going to be moving away from everything thing I have ever known to live in Bedford for a year whilst serving a church called the King’s Arms on FP Impact. I have no clue as to who I will be living with, what project I will be working on or the people I will be working with and being around. Terrifying stuff… and I’m just so excited, don’t get me wrong I am most certainly scared but I know it’s where I’m meant to be and what I’m meant to be doing next year so how can I not be excited when God has so obviously been in the planning and preparing for my ‘gap year’ from the beginning. I mean, all I knew was Impact, no destination or anything and now I have such a peace when evs I think about it. I was set on saying at my King’s for about seven or eight months until <
Turns out I’m most likely to be renting a room in house with two other girls from October but before that I’ll probably be staying with a married couple for the first month or so until a girl has moved out of the house. (I was supposed to try and call the house owner today but I was moping too much to do so, plus I had the opticians too, so I didn’t). I was so happy thinking I had finished trying to save up money and could now buy some more clothes I could take to Newday as I don’t have enough, well not really but sort of – it’s a girl thing, but now that I need to be able to pay rent I cant :(. I suppose I shouldn’t have assumed they do it in Bedford the way KCH do, we find people in the church to house our impacters and I think they are given money to help with that. Whereas I have to pay my own way there, I guess as that’s the way it’s done here and every other place I’d heard about I presumed it’d be like that there too. Never mind. It’s hard because I know that God can provide this for me as he has so amazingly done so with the money I needed for FP and also TSM, but I cant help but thinking I wont be able to get any money; I just need to tell myself to give it up completely to him. It’s just hard is all.
Anyhoo, it’s late so I best be getting off soon, which means facebook only for a while longer… so predictable (: Nighty Night! Xx