It all started the day the new neighbours moved in next door. The twin girls were so annoying, "Claudia! Where are you?!" "I over in the pony home darling." All we ever heard from next door was pony this, pony that or the seemingly constant coming and going of cars and automobiles they owned. Then one day as i was in the garden running up and down the garden, I heard the singing of some one who wasn't Claudia or Maive, the terrible twins, or Mr and Mrs Ermyn. It was a new voice, masculine yet welcoming and soft.
"Excuse me, Miss?" I stop dead in my tracks. "Huh? Miss... Miss as in me, you mean?" I say to the trees not being at a point in the garden as to where I could see through the hedge. "Yes. You. Can you help me with a little something?" I slowly begin to walk down the slope to get a look at the person behind the intriguing, whilst still voice of the stranger. Again, i stop dead in my tracks. "Wow" I thought, he certainly wasn't what I expected...