Note to self: don't give up and stay a fattie, become a fittie!
I have found myself missing a lot of my old school friends rather a lot at the moment. Not too sure why it has come on so strong all of a sudden as I already missed them loads. Just want to see everyone and have a good old party and a dance. Two dances in particular: (1) the lawnmower.. don't know who made that one up.. and (2) the picnic-bargain dance.. made up by Grace and me. Although there are talks about changing its name to 'The Shit Good-Bargain Dance'. Will let you know how it all ends up :] (bit of an l'n'g there).
I feel like I'm in a very random mood just now, want to say a load of random quotes from films and my life, but I really shouldn't as you probably won't have a clue what they mean. But for that reason I'm gonna say 'em anyways!
So, quotes and stuff i love atm:
- the Bouncy Bouncy Crimp
- I like the radio: it plays pretty pictures
- Shit-good Bread
- EELS/New Rave song
- Anything Mighty Boosh - just bought series 3: LOVE IT!
- Jean Claude Jaquettie
- the Pancake Crimp
- the Soup Crimp
- the Moon Song
- any stuff to do with the Mighty Boosh Moon
- lots of other crimps that I can't find anymore
- We'll blast you with our crimp pump!
- Shake your tale feather Louis! (my cousin who is 6, he does a tale shaking bum dance)
- Sometimes affection is just a shy flower that takes time to blossom
- Some day we'll know
- Do you love me? Are you playing your love games with me?
I'm sure there are lots more quotes ect. that are floating my boat at the moment, but I can't be arsed to write them down/they're not coming to mind.